Jonathan Lautermilch The 1% Author’s Club Secrets to Becoming a Best-Selling Author
Join Greg Mohr and Jonathan Lautermilch as they explore Jonathan's journey from fitness to digital marketing. Discover the impact of book writing, the power of masterminds, and the essentials of clarity in writing. Uncover strategies for becoming a best-selling author with full-service support, and learn how books can drive business growth and create a legacy. They also discuss using books as marketing tools in franchising, flexibility in franchise consulting, and efficient book creation through recorded content. Plus, hear about the integration of "The 1 Hour Author" course. https://go.thesmartshark.com/smart-publishing-course https://thesmartshark.com/ https://smartpublishingservices.com/book-waitlist https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.lautermilch